- Details
- Last Updated on 22 July 2022
Welcome on YL de France website

At end 2012 Sophie F4DHQ contacted YLs to create an YL group.
End 2015 "Association des YL de France" was born.
The aim is to exchange on our radio activities, to strengthen our links between YL, to meet during shows or during radio gatherings, to do activities together, to meet together and so to make live our passion: the radioham.
YL and radioham :
YL radioham activities are various. Among 300 YL in France, some are active in DX, in contest (phonie, CW, DIGI) or only on 2m (VHF) or do activations of lighthouses, DFCF, DMF, FFF. Others intervene in the technical domain, they tinker, realize electronic assemblies, antennas, web sites.
Except the activations, the traffic and the do-it-yourself, they also participate in the ARDF and the sounding balloon activities.
They also contribute to the preparation of radio hams shows and meetings and participate into in France and abroad.
In cross-functional activities, they prepare the science party by exposing scientific subjects, make of the promotion of the radioham within schools or they are members of the civil safety and participate in the ADRASEC exercises.